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Fiches techniques / fiches de sécurité

Peintures industrielles
Mipa PU 164-20
2K PU HB Primer

High-quality 2K polyurethane acrylic primer with active corrosion protection, high vertical stability and excellent adhesion on steel, zinced steel and aluminium. Recoatable with Mipa 1K-and 2K-paints. Can be used as adhesion promoter, primer and filler. Wet-on-wet application is

Mixing ratio:
10:1 by weight
7:1 by volume

Mipa PU 900-25,
Mipa PU 912-10,
Mipa PU 912-25

Thinner: Mipa 2K-Thinner
Colors: - Pricegroup 3
- Pricegroup 2
- Pricegroup 1
Boxed contents: 20 kg

»SDS 199 KB
»Productinfo 216 KB