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Whistleblowing system

Correct and compliant behaviour is a top priority for the Mipa Group. 
In order for us to fulfil this requirement, it is important to learn of potential misconduct so that we can take the necessary steps and countermeasures. For this reason, we have created the option of submitting reports to an external and independent body.

We would also like to encourage you to disclose your name when you provide information. It goes without saying that anonymity will also be maintained between the independent compliance office and MIPA SE. 
MIPA SE undertakes to refrain from retaliation against whistleblowers.

Widenmayerstraße 29
80538 München

Telephone: +49 89 413536-0
Fax: +49 89 413536-29
E-mail: mipa.hinweisgeber@[email protected]

Every report is verified thoroughly and independently.

What is the whistleblowing system?

The whistleblowing system in accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act (HSchG) is a structured, secure procedure for receiving and processing reports of violations, which in particular guarantees the protection of the whistleblower against discrimination. The aim of the system is to identify and rectify irregularities in the company at an early stage in order to prevent legal violations and promote an ethical working environment.

How does the whistleblowing system work?

The whistleblowing system consists of several simple steps to enable the reporting of an offence or concern in a secure and confidential manner.

Submit a report

Whistleblowers can contact the independent compliance centre by e-mail or telephone, for example. The report can be made anonymously or by providing contact details. Both specific violations and general concerns or suspicions are accepted.

Confirmation of receipt and review

Upon receipt of the report, the whistleblower receives confirmation that their report has been received. This is followed by an initial review by the independent Compliance Centre. This review includes determining whether the report is relevant and can be processed in accordance with company guidelines.


If the report is classified as relevant, a detailed investigation of the reported facts follows. All facts are carefully ascertained, the parties involved are consulted and possible evidence is examined. A fair and thorough investigation is a prerequisite. Depending on the complexity and scope, this phase can take around 2 to 12 weeks to process. In particularly complex cases, processing may take even longer.

Results and measures

Once the investigation has been completed, the results are analysed and any necessary measures are taken. These can range from internal training and adjustments to work processes to disciplinary measures against the persons involved.

Final report and feedback

Finally, a report is drawn up on the progress and results of the procedure. If desired, the whistleblower will receive feedback on the measures taken and the next steps.


The duration of the procedure depends on the complexity of the reported incident. 
We do everything we can to make the process as swift and efficient as possible, while maintaining the care and thoroughness necessary for a fair and thorough investigation.

Confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers

We attach great importance to protecting whistleblowers from possible negative consequences. Your identity will be kept strictly confidential unless you choose to disclose it. We do not tolerate any form of retaliation against whistleblowers and are committed to ensuring that all reports can be made in a safe environment.